Sunday, December 2, 2012

Advent Day One: Hide and Seek

Genesis 3: 8 “They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.”  

The Genesis 3 story describes the broken intimate relationship that God created us to have with Him.  An intimate awareness of God in our lives is God coming along side of us and walking with us in our daily lives.

Our lack of awareness of God’s presence in our lives is not in God’s doing, but our doing.  Just like Adam and Eve hid from the presence of God we do so in any number of ways when we sin.  For example, when we think we know what is best for our lives, secondly, when we just put other things and people in place of God.

We are like a little baby playing Peek a Boo.  We think that God is not there just because we cannot see Him.  God is present in our lives, even in the ordinary everyday activities.  This advent season we can see that God made us so that we would have an intimate relationship with Him and even if sin has broken the relationship, God has given us His one and only son Jesus to restore that intimate relationship.  God is saying, I found you.

Stop hiding from God, He can be found in Jesus.

Prayer:  Dear heavenly father, forgive us our sins and distractions from
You.  Give us eyes to see and know an intimate relationship within the
Ordinariness of our lives, Amen                      

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