Sunday, December 9, 2012

Advent Day 8: Lasting Peace

 Lasting Peace

Matthew 11:28-29
28 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Mice are nasty.  Maybe you have a few as pets to which I say, “Your pets are nasty.”  We have had a mouse in our house since October.  Now before you go judging, let me just remind you that I have a Dutch, dyed in the wool, neat freak of a husband and his areas of duty are post-cooking kitchen and bathrooms, so if you come to my house you can count on those two areas being spic-n-span.  But we also have a two year old, so unless you follow her around all day with a Dust Buster, you’re gonna have a trail of cheerios or some other perfect “mouse snacks”.

I can have no peace with this mouse in my house.  We have put absolutely all food that isn’t canned in hard plastic containers.  It’s almost a race on grocery day to see if my husband or I can refill the various containers faster. I can’t stand the thought of a mouse in my daughter’s cheerios. 

I can’t rest well either.  I can hear this mouse.  I can sense this mouse.  He and I are competing for space and I don’t care that he doesn’t take up much space, he’s in it and that’s all there is to it.  

Today you can imagine my relief when I checked our no-kill mouse condo traps to find the little varmint! Gavin let him go down the road in a field.  Peace at last.

Peace at last, but not lasting peace.  When fall arrives next year and the mice start seeking the shelter of warm homes, a mouse or two will probably be back.  

But Jesus offers lasting peace.  One of his names is “Prince of Peace”.  I love that in this passage Jesus says, “I am humble and gentle of heart”, just the kind of person you want to come to with your worries and confessions.  If we allow Jesus to teach us, he will remind us that he provides everything we need, and we need only rest in him.

Prayer:  Jesus today may we place our worries and burdens down and find rest in you, our Prince of Peace. Amen

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